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The CEO's Journal - Entry 1: The Intro

Hi this is me ^. Photo creds: Naomi Cousins

Its almost 5:00am and I'm still at my desk working. It sounds awful but really that couldn't be further from the truth. You see, I'm doing this by choice. Why you may ask? Because I'm excited about what I'm doing. I'm excited about the content, products and business that I'm working on. Perhaps I shouldn't call it "working" then. Maybe I should call it "creating" instead. I have so much that I want to accomplish and "create" that I honestly don't even want to sleep. How ironic is it that my dreams are what’s keeping me awake?

I’ve always enjoyed documenting my journey through life. I’ve done vlogs, I’ve kept a personal journal (manly way of saying diary?) and now I find myself wanting to do it in another form. The reason I so enjoy documenting my journey is because I truly believe that one day, someone will want to take a look at how I accomplished the things that I envision myself accomplishing. If even one person becomes inspired or motivated by my journey, I consider this a success.

Not only that, writing in a journal helps me to think more clearly. You see, sometimes when things aren’t going your way, it can feel like the world is ending when really, these obstacles are minor setbacks. Writing helps me to organize my thoughts and keep the big picture in mind. For example, I have a tendency to be extremely impatient at times. I put an insane amount of work into building Elevate. Because of that, I often want results of that hard work right away and get frustrated whenever that doesn’t happen. But writing this down helps me to realize how silly getting frustrated over things like that really is. Despite the bumps along the way, Elevate has grown insanely fast in the past 10 months. I should be EXTREMELY proud and thankful for the position I’m in, not frustrated.

My plan with this journal is to give you guys an inside look at what it’s like to build a business from the ground up. I’ll let you guys know about some of the challenges, and obstacles that arise, as well as the small and large victories that are sure to come as well. This is certainly going to be the least formal blog series that you guys will be reading on this site as it’s really just going to be my thoughts rather than the well planned and organized content that’s usually published. I’m writing this journal as I would in my own personal journal (diary). No organizing. No planning. Just write, spell-check, and post. I hope you enjoy the authenticity.

Thank you for taking the time to read and feel free to check out my Instagram: @DedicatedAustin.

Austin Chambers

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